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Soshu Yakyoku 蘇州夜曲 1 (李香蘭) 03:46
新增時間: 西元2007年03月14日 (週三) 15時51分46秒
上傳者: tohaveandhavenot37
觀看次數: 44,100
Soshu Yakyoku 蘇州夜曲 2 (李香蘭) 02:30
新增時間: 西元2007年03月14日 (週三) 16時33分29秒
上傳者: tohaveandhavenot37
觀看次數: 16,200
07:40China Nights 支那の夜 (李香蘭)
Shina no Yoru (支那の夜), better known as "She Ain't Got No Yo-Yo" to the G.I.s, was very popular with American servicemen in Japan an Shina no Yoru (支那の夜), better known as "She Ain't Got No Yo-Yo" to the G.I.s, was very popular with American servicemen in Japan and Korea from the end of WWII to the early 1960s. This beautiful love song is the namesake song or the "Lilli Marleen" of the Korean War. It often brings back good and warm memories for U.S. veterans who served in Japan and the Korean War. (更多) (較少)
新增時間: 西元2007年08月01日 (週三) 15時54分41秒
上傳者: tohaveandhavenot37
觀看次數: 15,546
This romantic love song was sung by 李香蘭, set in Peking/Beijing, circa 1940. There are Mandarin Chinese versions of this song, such This romantic love song was sung by 李香蘭, set in Peking/Beijing, circa 1940. There are Mandarin Chinese versions of this song, such as 黃昏的街頭, sung by 美黛, and 紅睡蓮, sung by 張露. (更多) (較少)
新增時間: 西元2007年03月31日 (週六) 23時49分33秒
上傳者: tohaveandhavenot37
觀看次數: 13,771
何日君再來 (sung by 李香蘭) 02:09
何日君再來, from the movie 「白蘭の歌」 (ca. 11/1939).
新增時間: 西元2007年06月22日 (週五) 16時33分37秒
上傳者: libertecherie
觀看次數: 14,711